
现在位置:首页 > 医学版 > 期刊论文 > 其它各类 > 烟草控制杂志 > 2005年
    06-07-22 Smoke-freeTobacco Addiction Specialist Certification
    06-07-22 Tobacco control implications of the first European product liability suit
    06-07-22 Tobacco in sport: an endless addiction?
    06-07-22 USA: the smokin’ Marlboro man of Fallujah
    06-07-22 Smokeless tobacco use among professional baseball players: survey results, 1998 to 2003
    06-07-22 Smokers’ unrealistic optimism about their risk
    06-07-22 Strength of clean indoor air laws and smoking related outcomes in the USA
    06-07-22 Kenya: beach party "helps" tobacco bill
    06-07-22 Leaders and elites: portrayals of smoking in popular films
    06-07-22 New Zealand: alcohol makes fun of tobacco
    06-07-22 Smoke-free law did not affect revenue from gaming in Delaware
    06-07-22 Cost effectiveness of a community based research project to help women quit smoking
    06-07-22 Environmental tobacco smoke exposure in public places of European cities
    06-07-22 Exploring the impact of foreign direct investment on tobacco consumption in the former
    06-07-22 An extremely compensatible cigarette by design: documentary evidence on industry awareness and reactions to the Barclay filter design cheati

    06-11-29 How do minimum cigarette price laws affect cigarette prices at the retail level
    06-11-29 Higher cigarette prices influence cigarette purchase patterns
    06-11-29 The federal initiative to halt the sale of tobacco to children—the Synar Amendment, 1992–2000: lessons learned
    06-11-29 If smoking increases absences, does quitting reduce them
    06-11-29 Educational inequalities in smoking among men and women aged 16 years and older in 11 European countries
    06-11-29 Validity of self reports in a cohort of Swedish adolescent smokers and smokeless tobacco (snus) users
    06-11-29 The limits of competing interest disclosures
    06-11-29 Emotions for sale: cigarette advertising and women’s psychosocial needs
    06-11-29 Tobacco on campus: industry marketing and tobacco control policy among post-secondary institutions in Canada
    06-11-29 Emotions for sale: cigarette advertising and women’s psychosocial needs
    06-11-29 "Pack year" smoking histories: what about patients who use loose tobacco

    06-11-29 Toward a comprehensive long term nicotine policy
    06-11-29 Facilitating the critical process in tobacco control
    06-11-29 The impact of the cigarette market opening in Taiwan
    06-11-29 Role of parents and peers in influencing the smoking status of high school students in Taiwan
    06-11-29 Uncovering the relation between betel quid chewing and cigarette smoking in Taiwan
    06-11-29 Reducing health disparity in Taiwan: quantifying the role of smoking
    06-11-29 Excess injury mortality among smokers: a neglected tobacco hazard
    06-11-29 Workplace smoking related absenteeism and productivity costs in Taiwan
    06-11-29 Are marketing campaigns in Taiwan by foreign tobacco companies targeting young smokers
    06-11-29 Increasing taxes to reduce smoking prevalence and smoking attributable mortality in Taiwan: results from a tobacco policy simulation model
    06-11-29 The health benefits of smoking cessation for adult smokers and for pregnant women in Taiwan
    06-11-29 Smoking attributable medical expenditures, years of potential life lost, and the cost of premature death in Taiwan
    06-11-29 Smoking behaviour in Taiwan, 2001
    06-11-29 Smoking behaviour in Taiwan, 2001
    06-11-29 Smoking attributable mortality for Taiwan and its projection to 2020 under different smoking scenarios

    06-11-29 Japanese spousal smoking study revisited: how a tobacco industry funded paper reached erroneous conclusions
    06-11-29 "Not safe" is not enough: smokers have a right to know more than there is no safe tobacco product
    06-11-29 Ensuring smokers are adequately informed: reflections on consumer rights, manufacturer responsibilities, and policy implications
    06-11-29 The human rights responsibilities of multinational tobacco companies
    06-11-29 International trade agreements: a threat to tobacco control policy
    06-11-29 Ethical and legal aspects of global tobacco control
    06-11-29 Individual rights advocacy in tobacco control policies: an assessment and recommendation
    06-11-29 Framing tobacco control efforts within an ethical context
    06-11-29 Changes in hospitality workers’ exposure to secondhand smoke following the implementation of New York’s smoke-free law
    06-11-29 Social movements and human rights rhetoric in tobacco control
    06-11-29 Smoking cessation treatment in primary care: prospective cohort study
    06-11-29 Smoking, standard of living, and poverty in China
    06-11-29 Public health measures to reduce smoking prevalence in the UK: how many lives could be saved
    06-11-29 Do u smoke after txt Results of a randomised trial of smoking cessation using mobile phone text messaging
    06-11-29 How Philip Morris built Marlboro into a global brand for young adults: implications for international tobacco control

    06-11-29 Tobacco industry successfully prevented tobacco control legislation in Argentina
    06-11-29 Effect of local restaurant smoking regulations on progression to established smoking among youths
    06-11-29 Tobacco industry consumer research on socially acceptable cigarettes
    06-11-29 Secondhand smoke and respiratory ill health in current smokers
    06-11-29 Health consequences of smoking 1–4 cigarettes per day
    06-11-29 Effect of the New York State cigarette fire safety standard on ignition propensity, smoke constituents, and the consumer market
    06-11-29 Tobacco industry influence on the definition of tobacco related disorders by the American Psychiatric Association
    06-11-29 From strange bedfellows to natural allies: the shifting allegiance of fire service organisations in the push for federal fire-safe cigarette
    06-11-29 Characteristics of selectors of nicotine replacement therapy
    06-11-29 Bidi and cigarette smoking and risk of acute myocardial infarction among males in urban India

    07-04-10 Is Swedish snus associated with smoking initiation or smoking cessation
    07-04-10 To what extent do smokers plan quit attempts
    07-04-10 Unemployment and smoking: does psychosocial stress matter
    07-04-10 Philip Morris toxicological experiments with fresh sidestream smoke: more toxic than mainstream smoke
    07-04-10 Tobacco use among Swedish schoolchildren
    07-04-10 Marketing to the marginalised: tobacco industry targeting of the homeless and mentally ill
    07-04-10 Use of nicotine replacement therapy and the risk of acute myocardial infarction, stroke, and death
    07-04-10 Tobacco document research reporting
    07-04-10 How state counter-industry campaigns help prime perceptions of tobacco industry practices to promote reductions in youth smoking
    07-04-10 Secondhand smoke exposure and risk following the Irish smoking ban: an assessment of salivary cotinine concentrations in hotel wor